How to Makes a Good New Year Resolution in 2022 ?

Haq Express
3 min readJan 9, 2022
How to Makes a Good New Year Resolution in 2022

New Year’s resolutions shine with optimism and the promise of a better you on January 1st. However, at the end of the year, you may discover that many of those resolutions have been abandoned midway or never pursued at all. If this sounds familiar, don’t despair: you aren’t bound to make unfulfilled resolutions for the rest of your life. Indeed, if you choose a single, focused New Year’s resolution that is both exciting and achievable, you’ll be more likely to complete it by December 31.

Make a specific resolution for yourself

Ambiguous goals appear to be more abstract and hence more difficult to achieve. Specific goals, on the other hand, are more actionable. Rather of resolving to eat healthier, make a daily commitment to eat an extra serving of fruits and vegetables. Don’t set a resolution that is too broad, such as “find new friends.” Instead, choose a goal like “make at least 2 new acquaintances at my child’s school this year.”

Choose a resolution that makes you excited

What are your interests and passions? What piques your interest? You’ll be more inclined to stick to your resolution if it motivates you.

Choose a new resolve that you haven’t tried before

Choose a resolve that you haven’t tried before. If you’ve attempted and failed at a resolve before, you may be setting yourself up for another failure. Make a new resolution instead! It’ll give you a fresh start and a boost of motivation.

Only make one resolution

You may have grandiose intentions for self-improvement, but don’t pack resolutions into a to-do list-style document. Instead, concentrate on just one. You may devote all of your attention to making it happen, and you won’t be disappointed if you don’t complete all 20 resolutions on your list.

Concentrate on a single behaviour

A single conduct should be the focus of your resolution. When you take on many tasks, you’re more likely to become overwhelmed and give up. Rather than committing to eating properly, exercising, and drinking plenty of water, choose one of the three.

Check to see if your resolution is in line with your values

It will be easier to keep your resolution if it is closely linked to your values and life strategy.Perhaps you place a premium on giving. Choose a resolve that embodies this ideal, such as contributing a certain amount of money to a charity of your choice. Consider what you’d like to give to the world and how you may improve your most critical connections.

Keeping Your Resolution in Reach

While it may be tempting to make a life-changing resolve, a modest one has a better chance of being kept. People have a tendency to overestimate their capacity to do tough tasks. Furthermore, challenging resolutions are more difficult to keep, increasing the chances that you may lose hope and give up completely. Choose smaller goals that you have a high probability of accomplishing to avoid this. Even if your resolution is clear and achievable, it may feel overwhelming at first. Divide your resolution into a series of subgoals to make it more manageable. These should be time-bound, measurable, and concrete.

Make a list of potential stumbling blocks

When setting a long-term goal, people sometimes overlook the daily constraints that may make accomplishing that objective more difficult. Assume you’ll begin your New Year’s resolve the next day. What potential stumbling blocks or difficulties might you face? Make a list of them. Then consider whether it’s still a viable option. Don’t wait until New Year’s Eve to make your resolution. You should start thinking about your resolution at least a few days before the new year to ensure that it is particular, meaningful, and doable. With a little forethought, you’ll be more prepared to face it on January 1st!



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